Julie MacAdam


“Integrate with a wider metabolism, with a much longer temporality than your human body.” Dani d’Emilia, Vanessa Andreotti, and the GTDF Collective

Working with dreams invites us to access what typically is eclipsed by the conscious mind. Dreams mitigate the injury of invisibility and over-simplification. They are nuanced, particular, and loving. They meet the dreamer with unwavering compassion and unflinching honesty. They are an outlet for what is difficult to stay present for. They mirror authenticity, while titrating it with image, leaving it more palpable with room for play, metaphor, relationship, and growth. Being with the dream provides a foundation for self-development, soulful encounters, and belonging to this world. 

What is a session like?

In our work together you will bring a dream, or dreams, that call out to you. I will accompany you through your dreams and the feelings they hold, the symbols, settings, and people. With presence and curiosity, we inquire deeply and create spaces for revelation so you have a chance to unlock the potency of your dreams gift. You will leave the session with a grounded application, something you can do in your waking life to honor the dream.

Sessions happen via telehealth or phone and are 55 minutes. Prices are on a sliding scale from $90-145 per session. Longer sessions can be requested

What is a session like?

In our work together you will bring a dream, or dreams, that call out to you. I will accompany you through your dreams and the feelings they hold, the symbols, settings, and people. With presence and curiosity, we inquire deeply and create spaces for revelation so you have a chance to unlock the potency of your dreams gift. You will leave the session with a grounded application, something you can do in your waking life to honor the dream.

Sessions happen via telehealth or phone and are 55 minutes. Prices are on a sliding scale from $75-130 per session. Longer sessions can be requested

Together we can:

  • Learn a method you can take with you through all of your dreams
  • Deepen into the world of symbol and metaphor
  • Tend to feelings from the past that have carried forward
  • Receive insight and guidance
  • Cultivate a fruitful relationship within
  • Shift inner states – physical, emotional, and mental
  • Form a relationship to something larger than the self


“This work is homecoming. I feel such immense gratitude for the container Julie holds and how she consciously, actively weaves this container for me and with me. To work together with Julie is a sincere relief as the real time integration happening is instant. So grateful for the calm, curious, and intelligent, sincere disposition she embodies. It is well received.”

Schedule a discovery call

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