Julie MacAdam

Expressive Arts

“As we tap into the deep sources of bodily wisdom through creative art expression, we dance the renewal, recreation, and healing of ourselves and our world.” Anna Halprin

Movement-based expressive arts is a way of coming to know oneself, story, and potential through the creative art process. By tracking inwardly on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels of awareness, we gain material for our written, moving, and visual expression.
What happens in our lives, as well as in our bodies, becomes quite literally the color, symbol, word, and texture on the page. Our pieces are a way to take what is inside and make it visible. Then, we can relate to ourselves from another perspective – integrating back to wholeness.

What is a session like?

Each session begins with a check-in – what is happening, what are you aware of, what is troubling you that you’d like to know more about? Then, we relate to this material through other ways of knowing. We draw the situation, we write a story or poem about it, and we dance the drawings or the story. We bring what is on the page into expression and track what insights arise. We give space to discover. After drawing, movement, and writing, there is a ‘check out’ period where at-home practices are suggested to continue the work.

Sessions happen via telehealth and are 55 minutes. Prices are on a sliding scale from $90-145 per session. Longer sessions can be requested.

What is a session like?

Each session begins with a check-in – what is happening, what are you aware of, what is troubling you that you’d like to know more about? Then, we relate to this material through other ways of knowing. We draw the situation, we write a story or poem about it, and we dance the drawings or the story. We bring what is on the page into expression and track what insights arise. We give space to discover. After drawing, movement, and writing, there is a ‘check out’ period where at-home practices are suggested to continue the work.

Sessions happen via telehealth and are 55 minutes. Prices are on a sliding scale from $75-130 per session. Longer sessions can be requested.

Together we can:

  • Learn about ourselves as people by learning about how we create

  • Sense how habituated movements in the body relate to habituated emotional reactions and introduce other movement repertoires

  • Discover the story that the body holds
  • Artfully and creatively meet the challenges that life brings
  • Give voice to what otherwise may stay silent
  • Gain creative resources and outlets


“Working with Julie is working with soul. She brings a rare level of depth and listening to her work. Julie’s commitment to community development through the written word, movement, and image, as well as her work with dreams, offers a crystalline perspective. This perspective includes an edge of continued learning and commitment to the earth and all bodies. I am lucky to know and learn with her, and you would be too.”

Schedule a discovery call

What day would be best for a discovery call?